I’m in denial that seven days have passed already and I need to get the camera out again but I guess it’s flown by because I’ve been busy packing and posting things I’ve sold on eBay and making a few cards that have already been posted to the lady who ordered them.
When I have weeks that like this I can’t help wondering how I ever used to find time to go out to work.
My table this morning reveals a couple more of the acquisitions from my recent spending spree:-
A bargain set of Marvy Le Plume pens from eBay for £4.99 and a lovely Papermania ‘Build a Rose’ stamp set which was £5.99 but £2 of that goes to Cancer Research UK.
As you can see, I was playing with the stamps last night. It comes with a large stamp of an open rose head that you can colour and use on it’s own or there are six separate components that you can stamp and layer as many times as you like to build the flower. Here’s a close up of my first effort.

There’s a little ‘project in waiting’ sitting on the back of the table too.
You know I said that I had sorted and labeled all my Distress Inks and then put all the Cut and Dry foam into little bags to stop cross contamination of the colours, well after I had done that I couldn’t get them all back into the space between the inks in the drawer. Luckily thought I kept the round container that had my Kenco Coffee in and it’s perfect for storing them, so by the time you come back next week I hope to have done something spectacular with it…….or failing that it’ll just have a sheet of pretty paper wrapped around it!
Don’t think there’s much else that would interest you on there so I’ve had a little downwards swing this morning.

Am I the only one who has an enormous rubbish bin but still manages to scatter most of it on the floor?
Hiding to the side under the table is the Black canvas bag that is my fold-a-way lighting studio. It’s the best thing I’ve ever brought when it comes to taking photos of cards and stuff. Before I had it I could never get a decent picture without it being covered with shadows from something or the other.
Next to that is my can’t do without paper trimmer which really need a new blade but I keep forgetting to order one……..must do that now while I think about it!
Most of the other bits under there are just things I moved off the top shelf when I was making room for the spice racks, the jars of really large flowers that I never know what to so with, the overspill box of ribbons and oh yes, there’s yet another eBay bargain hiding under there.
I was looking for a new heat resistant craft sheet but for the Ranger ones they wanted around £16 for one that was 15 x 18 inches. I did a search on eBay for a Teflon baking sheet which is exactly the same thing and found one which is more than double the size for £8.99….result!
Well that’s it from me again for this week.
If you fancy joining in then Julia’s Blog
is the place to start. Leave a link there, get the coffee on and I’ll be round to two ticks to see what you have lurking on your work desk.
Have a good week