Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to pop in on this wet and very windy New Year’s Day and wish Julia, over at the  The Stamping Ground    and  all my friends who congregate there for What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, a very Happy New Year.

I have to say, I’m glad to see the back of the old one because due to a few health issues it wasn’t that good.  It culminated in me giving up card making and finishing up my self-employed business and that’s the reason that my usually messy work desk that you’re used to seeing now looks like this.

 My cross stitch work in progress is sitting in the basket but most of the drawers that were on the table and the two spice racks that were full of brads and buttons have long gone.

I still intend to get back to scrapping the heritage album at some point, as far as cards go, it's being restricted to the ones  for the  LillyBo Quilt Project.
I haven’t been completely craftless since I went AWOL though, because I was stitching some things for Christmas

First I stitched this Joan Elliott chart called Wings of Heaven.

 She was originally stitched on Red with Gold threads but I think I like my combination better.

Next I finished off the Advent wall hanging that I started in 2012. All the cross stitch was done but I wasn’t brave enough to make the quilted backing for all the little pillows to hang from. 
Anyway, I finally took the bull by the horns and finished it off and although it wasn’t perfect, Haven House Children’s Hospice were more than happy with it when I gave it to them.

The final thing I made was a felt Christmas Stocking for my God Daughter Nichola’s little girl Ava, who’s almost five months old.
This is the fourth one of these I’ve hand stitched. 
The first two ( one for each of my God Daughters) were purchased when I was on holiday in Florida back in 1982 I think.
This was the first one I stitched. ( still not looking bad after 31 years)

I stitched Nichola's one the same year, then in 2009 I stitched one of Paul, Nichola’s then fiancé, so he wouldn’t feel left out.
And then along came Ava. 
Needless to say I’m hoping Nichola and Paul don’t have a large family!
Anyway, fingers crossed that I get back into the scrapbooking at some point during 2014 but at least I know my stitching will keep me occupied. 

Once again, a Happy, Healthy and very Crafty New Year to you all.