Wednesday 29 May 2013

Happy 4th Birthday WOYWW

Well, It’s finally week # 208 and the party for What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday’s 4th….yes, I said 4th birthday, can you believe that, is in full swing over at the  The Stamping Ground,  so why not call in and see Julia to see what a phenomenon she created back in 2009.

I can’t claim to have been here right from the start but almost.
It had been going three months when I first came across it and once you start playing along it’s hard to stop, as we all know.

Here’s a link to that very first post.

To celebrate our second birthday I came up with a little ditty, so I thought I would resurrect  it again to celebrate our 4th.  Naturally I altered a word or two, so here you go …………..

Now the party is in full swing and Workdesk Wednesday’s here,
The day we share the projects that we make throughout the year.
But this week’s very special, we've reached a mile stone,
Four years of sharing work desks, starting out at Julia’s home.
So to mark this great occasion, a gift I send to you,
But you must Pay It Forward before you get back to your glue.
Back to the paper, stamps and paints that we all hold so very dear,
And wait in anticipation as we look forward to another year.
Happy What’s on your Workdesk Wednesday!

The picture of my table shows a little pile of ATC’s that will go in the post this morning, together with a couple of parcels, one of which is a long time in coming, sorry Jan, but you’ll see why it’s been as long as it has when it arrives and I hope it’s worth waiting for.

I've already recieved beautiful ASTC's from Annie, Jo and JoZart, thank you ladies, but I'll show them to you next week.

I'll keep it short and sweet this week as there’s lots of people to visit today……..I’m going to try and get round everyone for once……….. so get that kettle no and I’ll be seeing you later.

Thanks once again to Julia for creating such a place to hang out on Wednesdays.
I’ve made some wonderful friends along the way and can only hope that WOYWW lives on for many years to come.

Happy Crafting!



Wednesday 22 May 2013

Oops, I’ve just realized it’s Wednesday - WOYWW # 207

Well it’s almost 8pm and I’ve just realized that it’s Wednesday and that I’ve very nearly missed  What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday again…………what am I like!

I’ve been out with my friend today visiting a couple of nurseries and then when we got back I went out and planted all the bit’s I’d brought.

I had my tea and then decided to do a bit of surfing, but even when I noticed that Annie had already done a WOYWW, I was thinking to myself that perhaps she wouldn't  be around tomorrow and done it a day early.

So my desk is no fit state at all, as you can see. No crafting, just the aftermath of ebay selling.

I promise I’ll be here on time next week……………..I’ve set a reminder on my phone just in case and it’s written on every calendar in the house, so I’ve no excuse.

Now if you said you wanted to swap an ATC with me, don’t forget to let me have your address. A couple are already in the post but there’s still a few to send out, so please can you Email me here   if you want to swap.

I’ll be round tomorrow to see what everyone’s up to this week.

Happy Crafting!


Wednesday 15 May 2013

WOYWW # 206

Well, it’s Wednesday again and only two weeks to go until the big 4th Birthday celebrations of What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, over at   The Stamping Ground.

I’ve already received my first ATC from the lovely Jo (Jozart), with strict instructions that it’s not to be opened until the 29th, so it’s sitting here waiting but the anticipation of what’s inside is almost too much to bare.
You see, it arrived in a package along with this beautiful hand dyed Habotai Silk scarf and pen which were gifts to say thank you for making the cards for the LillyBo Quilt project.

Thanks so much Jo, you really didn’t need to do that………. but I’m really pleased you did!
She dropped a hint that the ATC might well have some Silk involved too, so I can’t wait to see what work of art is sitting in that little envelope.

So it’s on to my table this week............thought I’d better make the effort after missing the last two weeks.

It shows some of my wood backed rubber stamps that are heading for ebay. I had a massive sort out over the weekend and put loads of stuff on there but I’ve not even scratched the surface of my stash yet.

If you’re after a bargain you can check out all my listings HERE

On the back corner of the table are a couple of cross stitch projects I’ve been working on this week.

The first is a Disney themed square for SOLAK, ( Stitches Of Love And Kindness.)  It's one of seven I’ve stitched and it’s destined for a quilt for a little 4 year old boy called Rowan.
This square is Jiminy Cricket and I’ve also stitched Woody from Toy Story, Sulley from Monsters Inc. Pinocchio, Pooh Bear ,Donald Duck and Tigger.

The second project I can’t unveil just yet as it could well be going to someone who reads my blog, so you’ll just have to be patient and wait a week or two to see it.

Well, that’s it for another week but just before I go I have one last picture to show you.

At long last I’ve ventured into the scary world of the android phone, which for this technophobe is one dirty great big giant step I can tell you.

Anyway, last week I invested in a Samsung Galaxy 111 mini and I’m just trying to get to grips with it so while out at the Garden centre I just had to snap this.

Pretty impressive, err!

Right, I really am off to snoop on a few desks now and then pack up my own ATC’s to go in the post, so sees you later.

Happy Crafting!



Wednesday 1 May 2013

Has anyone seen my Mojo? - WOYWW #204

Seeing as I missed you all last week I thought I would stop by and say hello to all my lovely friends from WOYWW and to anyone else who might just happen to stumble across my blog. And what a beautiful morning for a get together……’s warm and the sun is shining……at last!

So, you’re obviously here to see what’s on my desk today and I think the title of my blog post must have already given you an inkling that there’s not very much.

I know we all lose our mojo at one point or another, but I’ve had no enthusiasm to paper craft for months now, so I’m beginning to think that my own mojo is on a gap year!

Strangly, I was looking back over some of my blog posts a couple of days ago and I realized that it was about this time last year I was going through the same thing, so maybe there’s something underlying that’s stopping me, who knows.

What I do know thought is that there are things that I really should be making an effort to finish, like the collection of cards I started making for Jan in return for the beautiful knitting needle case she very kindly made me….you will get them at some point, honest Jan and my nephew’s birthday card which I’m ashamed to say that I actually went out and brought.…….not done that for more than ten years, so I’m sitting here, hanging my head in shame.

Anyway, here’s the picture of my table.

The beads from the week before last are still there although there are some finished results that you can see   HERE.

The few cards that I have managed to complete for Jan are still sitting there and there are also a few cross stitched squares for the Stitches of Love and Kindness charity, which are waiting to go in the post and that’s about it really.

What I have managed to do over the last few week is work on some ATC’s for the swap. Mojo can cope with them because the design is sorted and I don’t need to think too hard about what I’m doing.
They are proving to be a little time consuming though ( all will become clear when you see them) so can I ask, if you would like to swap with me on the anniversary, let me know now and then I can get enough made to go in the post straight away, otherwise you may have to wait a week or two for swap to arrive.

So that’s it from me for another week.

If you haven’t already added your desk to the Mr. Linky list over at The Stamping Ground for   What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday,  then follow the link and join in.

Happy Crafting!

